Eyesight Impaired Persons Section
The eyesight impaired persons’ section in the Central Library and Documentation Center of Shahid Beheshti University has started its activities since 2004 and has hosted eyesight impaired students in order to meet the scientific, cultural and informational needs of them. To reach this aim, eyesight impaired persons’ section has prepared and upgraded the equipment and software needed by blind and low-sighted students, including the braille notetakers, braille printer device, audiobook maker devices, etc.
Services for the Blinds
- Receiving lists of books and pamphlets needed by blind students
- Checking the existence of the above-mentioned books in country's electronic libraries (such as University of Tehran's audio Library, Roodaki Institute of the Blinds, University of Isfahan, as well as the archive of audio books in Shahid Beheshti University)
- Preparing audio books which do not exist in audio libraries of the country
- Inviting volunteers for preparing needed audio books
- Assisting blind students in exam sessions
- Contacting with various welfare services and institutions to refer blind students to meet their needs (such as providing them with white cane and receiving pensions from Behzisti [Better-Life Organization], etc.)
- Invitation to Reading Sessions with cooperation of the experts and blind students and graduates in virtual form