
- Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the documentary TV channel of Iran
- Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Assembly of Seminary and University Specialized Libraries of Qom Province (Makta)
- Holding an exhibition of maps of Iran's historical markets in the central library, documentation center and museum
- Inaugural celebration of Museum and Documentation Center of SBU and also celebration program for donations of Mr. Ahmad Birashk
- Programs for promoting and disseminating donated treasures
- Preservation program for donations of Ms. Soraya Birashk
- Holding the "Bazar-e- Khatereh" program, and holding a celebration for donations of Ms. Soraya Birashk
- Shahid Beheshti University won the first place in the registration of dissertations, theses, and proposals in the national registration system of IRANDOC in the academic year 2014-2016
- Donation of a rich collection by the founder of the first travel agency in Iran
- “Najva-ye-Ketab” conference with the presence of Mr. Mansour Zabetian