
The Central Library, Documentation Center and Museum of Shahid Beheshti University contains more than one million information objects, including printed books, periodicals, manuscripts, microfilms, photo copies, historical documents and photographs, lithographic print books, dissertations, scientific documents, maps, textbooks, references and electronic resources.

Persian and Arabic Printed Books
The library's collection of Persian and Arabic printed books currently amounts to 80,625 volumes, which will increase over time. The foreign printed book series are mostly in English as well as French, German and some other languages, with more than 45,807 volumes.  The classification system of books in Shahid Beheshti University is based on Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).

Children and adolescent materials
The children and adolescent library collection includes valuable materials, including the complete collection of the specialized periodicals, Book series, Film Collection and other materials for children and adolescents.

Museum documents and objects
This collection includes more than 13,000 leaden printing books, stone printing books, manuscripts, documents, films, slides, gramophone records, photographs, videos, old paintings, etc.

The collection of periodicals includes more than 64,000 copies including 2,400 titles of Persian magazines, and more than 160,000 copies including 2300 foreign magazines. There are currently 100 up-to-date journal titles in this section.

Currently, about 34,686 dissertations are available in the central library and about 200 new dissertations are added to the collection monthly.  This collection contains Persian and foreign dissertations in both master's and doctoral degrees. Receiving dissertations in printed form has been prohibited by the Central Library since 2007 and only their electronic format is acceptable in this section.

There are 109,465 foreign e-books and 110 Persian e-books in the collection.  Authorized users of Shahid Beheshti University (students of different levels, faculty members and staff) can receive the full text of e-books after entering to their profile in Azarsa system.

Reference books
The collection includes more than 6,100 titles, 12,000 copies of Persian reference books, more than 6,300 titles and 18,000 copies of English reference books, and 300 copies of reference books in other languages. Some of the resources in this collection include almanacs, guides, directories, yearbooks, geographic maps, demographical, social and economic statistics (from 1956 to 1996) and binded newspaper volumes.

Endowments and donations
This collection includes endowments of Dr. Khosrow Behroon, Ahmad Birashk, Nooshafarin Ansari, Mandana Seddiq Behzadi, Fatemeh Rahdoost, Soraya Birashk, etc. To find More information about endowments and donations, visit