Endowments and Donations

Dr. Khosrow Behroon was born in 1916. After a preliminary education at Dar al-Fonun, he entered the Technical College of Tehran University and received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Then he left for the United States and studied at Caltech Technical University in California. In 2003, Dr. Behroon devoted all his movable and immovable property, including his personal library and other precious resources to Shahid Beheshti University. He died in January 2010 and was buried in his family mausoleum in Qom.  In 2016, the Documentation Center of Shahid Beheshti University decided to prepare and publish a memoir of the late Behroon in honor of his 100th birthday in order to preserve the memory of his benevolent character. Precious Articles Hall of Shahid Beheshti University was opened by unveiling the memoir in the Central Library, Documentation Center and Museum on March 3 2018. Dr. Khosrow Behroon's memoir was compiled and written by Mohammad Reza Behzadi. The book is available in the Central Library, Documentation Center and Museum of Shahid Beheshti University.
Dr. Ahmad Birashk was born on January 24, 1906 in Tehran. After eight months of primary school at Ahmadiyya School in Mashhad and continuing education by homeschooling, he eventually returned to Tehran in 1921 and continued his education in the French School of Elians. Birashk entered the teaching education college (Danesh-Sara-ye- Ali) after finishing high school. Professor Birashk, because of excellence in Persian, French and English language, have written valuable texts in the form of books and articles, and translated and published several books. Professor Birashk's collection of works consists of more than 118 works that has been reported by detail in “Bireshk Memorial Book”. Professor Birashk's many years of efforts brought the Iranian chronology to a global level, and his scientific calculations and methodology produced a unique book on the comparison of three calendars of Gregorian, Hijri, and Hijri Shamsi. The establishment of "Hadaf Cultural Group" was one of his other services, which was inaugurated in 1948 after his great efforts. These and other services led Shahid Beheshti University to award an honorary doctoral degree in mathematics in 1998 to him, and publishing a book called "Bireshk Nameh" in honor of his efforts and academic works. The book "Birashk-Nameh" is available in the Central Library, Documentation center and Museum of the university. After his death, Dr. Birashk’s family devoted his books to Shahid Beheshti University on the basis of his testament. His precious donated books are kept in the Endowment Center of the Central Library, Documentation Center and Museum. 


Nooshafarin Ansari, a professor in library science and a member and secretary of the board of directors of Children's Book Council was born in Simla, India, in 1939. He spent his childhood and adolescence in various countries and cities, including Sweden, Afghanistan, the Netherlands, Belgium, Pakistan, Soviet Union, England, Switzerland, Rasht, Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, etc and attended primary and secondary school and university in these countries and cities.
Ansari studied library science in 1959 and after three years, she received a diploma in this field of study. In 1964, she went to the board of the technical department of the Central Library of University of Tehran. 
In December 2020, Nooshafarin Ansari donated a collection of specialized books on knowledge and information science as well as miscellaneous books in other fields of study to the Central Library and Documentation Center of Shahid Beheshti University.
Dr. Mandana Sedigh Behzadi was born in 1942 in Tehran city. She has a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois, USA. Since 1973, she has been a member of the faculty of center for library services, and also a faculty member of the National Library of Iran.
In 1969, Mandana Sedigh Behzadi obtained a Bachelor degree in the field of English Language from the University of Tehran. In 1971, she gained a M.A. degree in library science from the University of Tehran and in 1981, a PhD degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois, USA. 
The book "Class PIR Iranian languages and literature" by Mandana Sedigh Behzadi was selected as the book of year in the eleventh book of year celebration in the Islamic Republic of Iran by the Ministry of Culture.
In September 2019, Behzadi donated a collection of her books to the Central Library and Documentation Center of Shahid Beheshti University.
Professor Rahdoust, a writer, poet and former faculty member of Iran University of Medical Sciences, has written, translated and edited several books, including the Persian translation of the book “Research Methods in Library and Information Science”, written by Krishan Kumar, “Persian medical thesaurus” (best book in the book of year celebration in 2006 in the general books section), “The Philosophy of Library and Information Science”, etc.
In 2015, she donated a number of books (Persian and foreign), dissertations and publications of his personal library to the Central Library of SBU. There are valuable resources in her denoted collection such as the complete series of "Letter of the Iranian Librarians Association", and her notes on some books which have added to the value of them.

Soraya Birashk was born on January 27, 1946 in Tehran, Iran.  She completed his primary education at Sa'di Elementary School and continued her education in Shahdokht High School in Tehran. She received her master's degree in architecture from the School of Fine Arts at University of Tehran in 1971.
Soraya Birashk was a member of the Technical Committee of the Supreme Council of Urban Development and Architecture from 1975 to 1986 and a member of the Supreme Council for Overseeing the Expansion of Tehran from 1975 to 1978.  After the Islamic Revolution, she has also done many activities, including cooperation with the Urban Restoration Department of the Faculty of Architecture of Shahid Beheshti University.
She has done many researches, writings and projects such as a book entitled "Iranian Culture and Civilization as a Stable Platform from the Beginning of Islam to Now".
In 2019, Soraya Birashk donated a large number of maps to the Central Library, Documentation Center and Museum of Shahid Beheshti University, which is available in this library.

Many benefactors and experts have donated their valuable collections to the Central Library, Documentation Center and Museum of Shahid Beheshti University, whose names are listed in a table on the "Book Order" page of the Central Library website in the section “Donated Collections”.