In this section, dissertations of post graduate students are received and described in Azarsa system.
The dissertations section is designed mainly for service delivery to postgraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University. Students, professors and researchers from other universities can use the services of this section by providing a letter containing recommendation from authorities of their own institutions.
The working hours of the dissertation section are Saturday to Wednesday 8 AM to 15 PM.
An excel file containing descriptive information of dissertations up to May 20, 2018 is accessible from the portal (Total number of listed dissertations are 25,380.).
Maryam Ansari
Senior expert, dissertation section
M.A. in knowledge and Information Science
Phone: +98 (21) 29902332
Tayebeh Behrouznia
Expert, dissertation section
M.A. in knowledge and Information Science
Phone: +98 (21) 29902335
Hengameh Heshmati
Expert, dissertation section
M.A. in knowledge and Information Science
Phone: +98 (21) 29902348